Peace Through Service, Message from the District Governor – Rtn. Peace Taremwa – DG 2022 -2023

Thousands of Rotarians and Rotaractors throughout the world will demonstrate the meaning of peace through service in a variety of ways during this holiday season. With the Christmas theme of “peace and hope” in mind, we will be able to reflect on the times when we gave someone, somewhere, the chance to live and enjoy life without having to struggle for survival. We may also anticipate additional opportunities to serve in the next year.

As the year 2022 draws to a close, I would want to thank everyone, everywhere, who has contributed to this year’s remarkable success. Thank you for your hard work!

As I’ve gone throughout the district, I’ve had the opportunity to witness the outstanding work performed by our clubs. In our district, no project is too large or too small for a Rotary club to tackle; all that is required is enthusiasm, dedication, and an awareness of local needs. By giving their time, energy, and innovative thought, Rotarians in District 9214 accomplish a great deal, and I encourage clubs to share their accomplishments with the public and see how it affects membership growth.

As we approach a new year and reflect on the last year, let’s consider what we can do to continue making a difference in our community. “You must be the change you wish to see in the world,” Gandhi remarked. What adjustments do you intend to make to your life in 2023?

We pray that the New Year brings everyone everywhere health, happiness, and joy. Thank you again for your efforts during 2022. Ann and I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!



We at Rotaract district 9214 allow our members chance to develop their skills and competences through taking on volunteer roles that are challenging and still be productive. These volunteer roles are open to all Rotaractors in RI D9214(Uganda and Tanzania).

The successful candidates will be tasked with ensuring that the key performance areas assigned in their particular roles are performed as expected and within the set timelines in the Rotary year 2023/2024.

Check out the application procedures in the document below;

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The TRF Fundraiser (RAC Rubaga)

The TRF dinnerFundraiser is an annual event organized by the Rotaract club of Rubaga aimed at collecting and motivating our members and other Rotaractors to contribute towards the same cause. Since its inception in 2015, the annual TRF Dinner has propelled the club to contribute more than 2000$ USD into Rotary’s funds basket; the Rotary Foundation.This year we had a target of raising 1000$USD.

The proceeds from this fundraiser will therefore enable us to successfully support the Rotary Foundation.The club brings together a diverse and dynamic group of young people who are passionate about service to humanity while developing their leadership and professional skills through fellowship.


  1. To raise finances aimed at supporting the Rotary Foundation.
  2. To raise PHF’s and sustaining members of the rotary foundation.
  3. To provide an opportunity for members to network with Rotarians and Rotaractor from other clubs.
  4. To provide an opportunity for members to bond amongst themselves in activities outside formal fellowships.


For one to participate or attend this event had to pay a fee of Ugx Fifty Thousand Shillings (50,000/=), this was our main source of income. There was also donors or well-wishers who also contributed towards the success of the event these included our past presidents, mother club and different number of Rotarians from different Clubs.

The fundraiser committee led by PE Sharon Mukoda – the chair and the vice d by Mulindwa James plus the rest of the team worked hand in hand with the President and club members, in addition to that members sold cards to guests, Rotaractors and Rotarians, individual contribution by the club members and guests engaged in looking for people to participate in the TRF dinner as a source of funds towards the fundraiser. The detailed breakdown of the income and expenditure is here attached.

Check out the report for more about the fundraiser :

Welcome to Rotaract D9214

Rotaract is an organisation of young adults above the age of 18 who come together to develop their leadership and professional skills while using innovative solutions to solve the problems of the communities they live in and the world at large through their membership in Rotary International.

Members of the organisation are known as Rotaractors and they are organised in clubs that consist of 10 or more members with a leadership structure which has a president at the top changing every Rotary year [which runs from July 01 to June 30].

Rotaract has a motto “Self Development – Fellowship Through Service”. Rotaract has 5 goals for its existence and they are usually achieved by the Rotaractors in a sequential manner. The goals in order are;

1) To develop Professional and Leadership skills;

2) To emphasise respect for the rights of others and promote ethical standards and dignity of all useful occupations;

3) To provide opportunities for young people to address the needs and concerns of the community and our world;

4) To provide Opportunities for working in cooperation with sponsoring Rotary Clubs; and

5) To motivate young people for eventual membership in Rotary. Ultimately, the end result of one’s Rotaract Membership is the eventual membership in Rotary where professionalism and leadership are further bettered.

Rotaract in Rotary International District 9214 is made up of over 84 clubs with over 1500 members from the whole of Tanzania and part of Uganda, hence the name RID 9214 Tanzania & Uganda.
Rotaract Clubs have traditionally been started and hence sponsored by Rotary Clubs [which usually have the older generation of members], and many Rotary Clubs in a given geographical area are organised into Rotary International Districts (like District 9214 Tanzania & Uganda)

The membership of Rotaract in District 9214 is rather diverse with an almost equal ratio of male to female; we have diversity in professions from teachers, engineers, medical workers, IT specialists, entrepreneurs, students and what have you. The ages of Rotaractors are also rather uniformly represented, with Students ranging from 18 to 23 years while the young professionals ranging from 22 years onwards.