
Founded in 2021 after redistricting from District 9211, Rotaract District 9214 is a vibrant and dynamic group of young leaders spanning across the whole of Tanzania and part of Uganda. The district proudly encompasses over 97 clubs with more than 1768 members, representing a diverse array of professions and age groups.

Rotaract District 9214 boasts a membership characterized by a nearly equal ratio of male to female members. The age range of Rotaractors is also uniformly represented, with students aged 18 to 23 years and young professionals from 22 years onwards. This diversity reflects the district’s strong commitment to inclusivity and its success in attracting individuals from various backgrounds.

Since its inception, Rotaract District 9214 has played a crucial role in promoting community service and professional development among its members. The district’s goals are centered around fostering professional and leadership skills, emphasizing respect for the rights of others, and upholding ethical standards and dignity in all occupations. Rotaractors in the district are actively encouraged to address the needs and concerns of their local communities and the world at large.

Through numerous initiatives and projects, Rotaract District 9214 has established itself as a beacon of positive change. Members engage in various activities that promote environmental sustainability, health and wellness, education, and economic development. The district’s vibrant community of Rotaractors continuously strives to make a tangible impact, driven by the shared belief in the power of service.

Overall, the history of Rotaract District 9214 is a testament to the enduring spirit and dedication of its members. The district exemplifies the core values of Rotaract, showcasing the profound impact that young, motivated individuals can have when united by a common purpose. As it continues to grow and evolve, Rotaract District 9214 remains committed to fostering leadership, promoting ethical standards, and making a lasting difference in communities both locally and globally.


Mission :
Rotaract District 9214 is dedicated to empowering young leaders to create positive, lasting change in their communities and the world. Through service, professional development, and fostering international understanding, we strive to develop ethical leaders and committed citizens.

Rotaract Goals:

  1. Develop Professional and Leadership Skills:
    – Provide opportunities for professional growth through workshops, seminars, and mentorship programs.
    – Cultivate leadership abilities that prepare members to take on influential roles in their communities and careers.
  2. Emphasize Respect for the Rights of Others and Promote Ethical Standards:
    – Uphold and advocate for the highest ethical standards in all personal, business, and professional relationships.
    – Promote the dignity of all useful occupations, ensuring that every member respect and honors the rights of others.
  3. Address Community and Global Needs:
    – Encourage and facilitate community service projects that tackle local and global challenges.
    – Provide platforms for young people to identify and address the needs and concerns of their communities and the world at large.
  4. Work in Cooperation with Sponsoring Rotary Clubs:
    – Foster strong partnerships and collaborative projects with sponsoring Rotary Clubs.
    – Enhance the synergy between Rotaract and Rotary by working together on service initiatives and community projects.
  5. Motivate Young People for Eventual Membership into Rotary:
    – Inspire and prepare young Rotaractors for future membership in Rotary.
    – Provide a clear pathway and motivation for Rotaractors to transition into Rotary membership, ensuring the continuity of service and leadership.