Rotary District 9214 Celebrates Basic Education and Literacy at 99th District Conference and Assembly

Speke Resort Munyonyo, Uganda – April 24, 2024

Rotary District 9214, spanning across Uganda and Tanzania, kicked off the 99th District Conference and Assembly with a vibrant celebration dedicated to Basic Education and Literacy. Themed know my school uniform, the night, which unfolded at the Speke Resort Munyonyo, was a testament to Rotary’s unwavering commitment to educational empowerment.

Distinguished guests and delegates poured into the venue, adorned in their school uniforms, paying homage to the essence of education. The atmosphere brimmed with enthusiasm and a shared dedication to Rotary’s noble causes. The conference was opened by the Chair of the District Conference and Assembly (DCA), Christine Kyeyune Kawooya, who extended her heartfelt gratitude to the attendees for their overwhelming presence and adherence to the dress code. She warmly welcomed guests from beyond Uganda’s boarders, underscoring the spirit of friendship that defines Rotary.

The address by the District Rotaract Representative (DRR), Prudence Asobola, struck a poignant chord as she appeared clad in an “End Polio” t-shirt. Asobola implored all delegates to reflect on the plight of children affected by polio, emphasizing the critical link between health and education. She urged the assembly to rally behind initiatives aimed at ensuring access to education for all, echoing Rotary’s enduring commitment to eradicating polio and promoting literacy hand in hand.

District Rotaract Representative (DRR), Prudence Asobola

District Governor Francisco Ssemwanga took center stage to unveil the district’s flagship project for the rotary year 2023 – 2024: Basic Education and Literacy. Ssemwanga underscored the transformative power of education in shaping the future and lauded clubs for their unwavering dedication to projects aligned with this pivotal cause. He highlighted the numerous initiatives undertaken by clubs throughout the district, each was evidence to Rotary’s ethos of service above self.

District Governor Francisco Ssemwanga

The night culminated in a spirited debate between representatives from Uganda and Tanzania, engaging in a friendly exchange of Rotary knowledge. The debate not only showcased the intellectual prowess of the participants but also fostered a sense of unity and collaboration across borders.

As the night drew to a close, echoes of friendship and dedication lingered in the air, in celebration of the joint contribution and impact in enabling basic education and literacy in communities far and wide. The 99th District Conference and Assembly’s opening night served as a touching reminder of Rotary’s unwavering resolve to create a world where every individual has the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive.