Looking to the Future, Message from DRRE Rtr. Prudence N. Asobola

When we reflect back on the last 12 months, I believe we can all agree that 2022 was a fantastic year to remember. We recognize that there were some tough moments for many people throughout the world; but, now is the time to reflect on the year’s highlights, and at District 9214, we are looking forward to 2023.

I’m delighted to report that 2022 presented exciting possibilities for a larger and stronger District 9214. We were honored to host the RI President for the second year in a row, increased our membership, chartered new clubs with many still in-formation, advanced on activities of the Rotaract helping hands initiative, REI, and many other projects in Uganda and Tanzania are all reasons to be proud. Thank you to the entire team that made sure that we reach out more to our communities through service.

With our great achievements for the year 2022 and a strong foundation that was laid in 2021, we look forward to a great 2023. We are excited for what the incoming district leadership team is preparing for us to achieve in the coming rotary year. This team has been working around the clock to make sure that we receive our district goals by January 2023 and ROTs in March 2023. Keep an eye out for the unveiling of the great leaders that will serve us in the next Rotary year. We hope that it will be a collaborative effort to assess what we have done and where we need to go next.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, as we look forward to impacting communities with you in 2023.

The Exceptional District 9214, Message from District PIME Chair – Rtr. Ambition Baylon Mwiine

The year 2022 will be remembered for the numerous opportunities and challenges it provided. I’d want to thank everyone for coming together. I am extremely proud of how exceptional district 9214 is, and it is due to all of you.

I’d want to offer my heartfelt gratitude to all of our district team members and club leaders. You are all providing an exceptional example of dedication, professionalism, and unity. You are the best assurance that District 9214 will continue growing stronger. Even in the most trying circumstances, your dedication and devotion to our communities and to every Rotaractor has been tremendous. Every position in the district is part of a fantastic team that is accomplishing great things for our towns, communities, and ourselves.

I am overwhelmed by our district’s undeniable strength and character. We, like many other groups, have been very encouraged by the outpouring of generosity we have received this year. Gratitude letters, acts of generosity, and encouraging words are powerful affirmations for the entire District 9214 team. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

As always, I’d want to thank every Rotaractors in Uganda and Tanzania who volunteered their time and worked tirelessly to raise donations for the Rotary Foundation. We are quite proud of the donations.

We continue striving to impact communities while also growing professionally and increasing our visibility. By giving chance to as many young people as possible to become Rotaractors through invitations, our district will dramatically grow bigger and stronger.

On behalf of the PIME team for 2022-2023, we appreciate you for your continuous support of the district and hope you have a wonderful holiday season with your loved ones. I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.

With a great Deal of Love this Christmas, Message from the District Executive secretary – Rtr. Vivien Katusabe

As I address you this season, my mind and heart are filled with a great deal of love, happiness, and enthusiasm. I recall the numerous sacrifices we have all made to keep our beautiful district running. Whether we are administrators, Rotaractors, or district leaders, we have all made significant contributions via our time, commitment, and effort.

Christmas is a reminder of the goodness that enters the world, despite the darkness and uncertainty that threaten it. We have witnessed throughout the year 2022 the so many Rotaractors who have   sacrificed a great deal so that our work as a district may continue. Our district leaders went above and beyond their duties to accomplish impressive things. Our club leaders have done an exceptional job of shepherding their members, always being quick to express care and appreciation. Our partners have also been available to assist us with any small or large requests. In light of the fact that it is very difficult to lose hope in the presence of excellent people, I would like to thank everyone for a job well done.

This Christmas, I want for everyone to reignite and magnify their inner kindness. Remind them, out of gratitude, that they have also been positive influences in your lives. Find solace in the knowledge that you have, in your own small way, given a great deal of good to a world devoid of it.

This holiday season, as we celebrate community and oneness in the pursuit of doing good, may we all find delight in one another’s company and inspire one another to do good at all costs. I wish everyone a Christmas filled with goodness, joy, and love. God be with us.

The Best Gift this Christmas, Message from the District Rotaract Representative – Rtr. Francis Matovu DRR 2022 -2023

As we approach the end of 2022, I hope you will all be able to join with your family and friends to enjoy Christmas. I hope you have time to recuperate and reflect on the incredible year that I’m sure you’ve all had.

It would be remiss of me not to thank my fellow district and club leaders, our partners, and Rotaractors for their outstanding efforts. I am really proud to be a part of District 9214, and I am extremely proud of each and every one of you.

Every day can seem exhausting at times, but I know everyone works hard to provide our communities and partners with the best care possible. In typical Content Works fashion, we sought to be as adaptable as possible, strategizing with our partners and bringing on the best we could. While 2023 will undoubtedly present new challenges, we want to end the year on a positive way.

So, let the best gift we can give this Christmas be ourselves to someone who is lonely. Give oneself to someone who will rejoice in the light of our presence. Be the present that makes everyone smile. This provides relief from the hidden ache of loneliness. Take the time to share this Christmas with someone, and that same spirit of joy will spring to life within our own hearts.

Christmas represents the pinnacle of hope, joy, and good cheer. Thank you so much for your encouragement and hard work this year. We couldn’t have met so many goals without your help. “We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!”

Peace Through Service, Message from the District Governor – Rtn. Peace Taremwa – DG 2022 -2023

Thousands of Rotarians and Rotaractors throughout the world will demonstrate the meaning of peace through service in a variety of ways during this holiday season. With the Christmas theme of “peace and hope” in mind, we will be able to reflect on the times when we gave someone, somewhere, the chance to live and enjoy life without having to struggle for survival. We may also anticipate additional opportunities to serve in the next year.

As the year 2022 draws to a close, I would want to thank everyone, everywhere, who has contributed to this year’s remarkable success. Thank you for your hard work!

As I’ve gone throughout the district, I’ve had the opportunity to witness the outstanding work performed by our clubs. In our district, no project is too large or too small for a Rotary club to tackle; all that is required is enthusiasm, dedication, and an awareness of local needs. By giving their time, energy, and innovative thought, Rotarians in District 9214 accomplish a great deal, and I encourage clubs to share their accomplishments with the public and see how it affects membership growth.

As we approach a new year and reflect on the last year, let’s consider what we can do to continue making a difference in our community. “You must be the change you wish to see in the world,” Gandhi remarked. What adjustments do you intend to make to your life in 2023?

We pray that the New Year brings everyone everywhere health, happiness, and joy. Thank you again for your efforts during 2022. Ann and I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!