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Empowering Education and Literacy;An Opportunity for All Rotaractors.

Basic education and literacy go hand in hand, forming the foundation upon which individuals build their futures. Literacy equips individuals with the ability to read, write, and comprehend information, enabling them to access knowledge, make informed decisions, and participate
actively in society. Basic education, on the other hand, provides a structured learning environment that imparts critical skills and knowledge, empowering individuals to overcome challenges and pursue their aspirations.

Africa faces numerous challenges in its education system. These challenges contribute to a cycle of illiteracy and hinder socio-economic development. Addressing these issues requires collective efforts, and this is where we as Rotaractors can make a significant difference through;
Advocacy and Awareness: Rotaractors can raise awareness about the importance UMOJA September 2023 | 19 of education and literacy in local
communities, highlighting the long-term benefits they offer.

Advocating for policy changes and increased government investment can lead to improved access to education for all. Even a simple social
media campaign can be eye opening. Infrastructure Enhancement: Rotaractors can collaborate with local schools and communities to improve infrastructure, such as building classrooms, libraries, and sanitation facilities. These improvements create conducive learning environments and encourage student retention. These can take time due to the financial implications however we can always on-board corporate partners to
ease this.

Teacher Training and Support: By organizing workshops and training sessions, Rotaractors can help enhance the skills of teachers in rural areas. This empowers educators to provide better instruction, fostering a more engaging and effective learning experience for students. Mobile Libraries and Literacy Programs: Creating mobile libraries and literacy programs can bring books and educational resources to underserved
areas. Rotaractors can organize reading sessions, storytelling events, and educational games to instill a love for learning among children.

Scholarship and Mentorship Programs: Establishing scholarship programs and mentorship initiatives can provide financial assistance to deserving students and guide them on their educational journey. Rotaractors can serve as role models, motivating young
learners to excel academically. Community Engagement: Rotaractors can partner with local communities to organize workshops on financial literacy, health education, and vocational training. These skills complement formal education and empower individuals to make informed life

We understand that We Rotaractors are youth who are just growing and our constraints are quite many but together we are the change we need to see. Our small collections here and there in terms of time, skills and other resources make a great impact in a child’s life. These and so many more are just some of the ways we can do create this transformation in our education. Keep in mind that a holistic education must touch the Hands,

Heart and Head! And in the words of the great Nelson Mandela; “Education is the most powerful tool we can use to change the world!” Let’s go change the world one Rotaractor at a time.

IPP & Member Rac Mengo (The Royals)

Journey to Self-Development as Youth:

The Path of Setting and Achieving Goals with a Growth Mindset:

Welcome back to our transformative journey of self-development and personal growth. In this second article of the series, we will delve into the empowering process of setting and achieving goals with the foundation of a growth mindset. As we continue our exploration, let’s discover
how embracing the principles of growth can propel us forward on the path to success. Understanding the Significance of Goals: Setting goals is a fundamental step on our journey of self-improvement. Goals provide direction, purpose, and a roadmap to navigate our aspirations. Whether they are academic, professional, or personal, goals give us something to strive for and allow us to measure our progress along the way.

The Growth Mindset Approach to Goal Setting:
A growth mindset shapes the way we approach our goals. Instead of fearing failure or setbacks, a growth mindset encourages us to embrace challenges as opportunities for learning and growth. When we encounter obstacles, we view them as stepping stones toward improvement rather than barriers to success. This perspective not only enhances our resilience but also fuels our determination to overcome hurdles.

Steps to Effective Goal Setting with a Growth Mindset:

  1. Clarity and Specificity: Clearly define your goals. The more specific your goals are, the easier it is to create actionable steps toward achieving them.
  2. Challenging Yet Attainable: Set goals that are both challenging and achievable. Pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone
    fosters growth, but setting unrealistic goals can lead to frustration.
  3. Break Down into Milestones: Divide your goals into smaller, manageable milestones. Each milestone reached will provide a sense of accomplishment and motivate you to continue.
  4. Adaptability: Be open to adjusting your goals as circumstances change. A growth mindset allows for flexibility and adaptation in the face of new information or challenges.
  5. Embrace Failures and Learn: If you encounter setbacks, view them as learning experiences. Analyze what went wrong, adjust your approach, and keep moving forward.
  6. Celebrate Progress: Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Recognizing progress reinforces a positive mindset and propels you toward your larger goals.

Unlocking Your Potential:
By intertwining the concept of a growth mindset with goal setting, you unlock your true potential. You become the author of your journey, capable of rewriting your story with every step you take. The growth mindset infuses your goals with determination, resilience, and the belief that you are capable of continuous improvement. In the next article, we will explore another crucial aspect of our self-development journey: overcoming self-doubt and building self-confidence. Remember, adopting a growth mindset isn’t just about achieving goals; it’s about embracing the journey and becoming the best version of yourself in the process. Thank you for joining us on this expedition of personal growth. Stay tuned for more insights and actionable strategies to guide you toward a more empowered and fulfilling life.

Wishing you growth and success,
IPP Beatha Malauri
ADRR Western Zone Tanzania, D9214,

Lessons from Central Zone IV

Prudence N. Asobola District Rotaract Representative, D9214

Rotaractors, Rotarians and guests of Rotaract, I welcome you to the last month in our first quarter. As a district, we have been off to a good start and I do believe that the best is yet to come. I had the privilege of starting my tour of duty and I am very excited with what the clubs in central zone IV have already achieved in these first months.

This zone has the Rotaract clubs of Akright city, Namasuba. Kajjansi, Nkumba
University, Nkumba Stewards and Bwebajja. My interaction with was indeed a fruitful as we aim to build stronger clubs. Take off time and visit these clubs, I am sure you feel the same warmth that I felt. I am indeed grateful to the great leadership of ADRR Nyakato Barbra and the guidance that he keeps giving to these clubs.

In this newsletter I would like to share with you some lessons learned from central zone IV.

1. Registration of clubs with URSB
Three of the clubs in this zone had finalized their registration with URSB, 2 clubs were still in the application process and 1 had not yet started. This implies that majority of the clubs in this zone had knowledge about registration with URSB and are ready to enjoy the benefits that come with registration, which makes them one step up on the qualification of both district and global
grants. These clubs are aware of the necessary steps one needs to take to register their company and members can use this information to register their personal companies.

2. Giving to TRF
I was very excited to know that the Rotaract club of Bwebajja has remitted $190 to rotary
foundation, Rotaract clubs of Namasuba and Nkumba stewards had collected $100 and
$70 respectively towards TRF and were yet to remit it. During this visit I noted that a few of the clubs did not know how to remit funds to TRF and we took off time to show the members present how to remit these funds.

3. Fundraising
Our clubs usually go all out on fundraising as funds are very key in management of projects. Members invest a lot of time in fundraising and sometimes don’t raise the much-anticipated
funds. Rotaract club of Nkumba stewards shared with us their secret to fundraising. The club used their registration status with URSB to acquire momo and airtel pay accounts which they share with prospective donors. The club testifies that using these mobile money accounts has improved their fundraising by 80%. They said that it is easier for someone to send mobile money from the comfort of their home or anywhere they might be than attending fundraising events or going to the bank.

4. Membership retention and growth
The Rotaract club of Bwebajja does pride in the well-organized buddy group system which
they share with their mother club as the key to membership retention and growth. They
assign all members to a buddy group through which their club attendance and participation
is tracked. They further use these buddy groups for bonding purposes. The Rotaract club of Namasuba did share that their strategy to member retention was inclusion of all members onto the club committees and through that, members feel that they belong to the club and have a skill to offer. This doesn’t only improve membership retention but also leads to professional and leadership development.

5. Team work
While crafting these visits, the secretariat and I had a goal in mind. We hoped to improve collaboration and strengthen the bond among clubs which are in the same zones. This was concluded on after realizing that each club has a unique strength that they could share
with another club and at the end of it all, the clubs would learn from one another. At the beginning of the rotary year, the district leadership challenged clubs to create meaningful
partnership and carry out projects in the areas where their clubs meet. 

Central zone IV led by example when they executed a successful project in Kajjansi. The was
an upright display of teamwork with all presidents and their club members reaching out to the community of Kajjansi with free health services. I am glad to have been a witness to this.
From the above lessons learned, I would like to encourage clubs to pick some examples that might work for their clubs and adopt them. Modification can be made to what suits the club best and I do believe that in the end, we shall add value to our members & communities because, “What you become depends on what you can overcome” 

Peace in Practice

The International Day of Peace takes place 21 September. The United Nations General Assembly declared this a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace through observing 24 hours of nonviolence and ceasefire. It is not enough, as people of action, to simply avoid making war. If we are to Create Hope in the World, we must aggressively wage peace. Where can we begin? There are countless armed conflicts around the world, and the global population of displaced people is higher than ever. 

The opportunities are nearly limitless, but the cycles of violence and hardship seem endless. My advice is to start small but think big. I look to Rotary members in Pakistan and India for inspiration. In March 2020, about 50 Rotary members from Pakistan met about 50 Rotary members from India at Kartarpur Sabib, a shrine in Pakistan. 

The sanctuary honors Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, a religion practiced in both countries. Tensions between the two countries barred many religious pilgrims from India from visiting the shrine. That is, until Pakistan opened a visa-free pathway to them in 2019. Earlier this year, Rotary members from opposite sides of the border again met at the shrine, this time with about twice as many participants. 

Any work toward building peace needs to be brave and bold. What these Rotary members have done is just that. The Pakistani government took an important step toward peace when it admitted Indian pilgrims to the Kartarpur Sabib shrine, but Pakistani Rotary members took the next step when they welcomed Rotary members from India as friends and family. That is Positive Peace at work. These peacebuilders did not stop there. 

Club representatives at this year’s meeting signed twin club certificates to recognize their longterm commitment to continue to learn from each other and to work together on more peacebuilding efforts, and they have held joint meetings via video chat. The importance of communicating with and learning from another culture cannot be overstated, and Rotary is making it even easier to do so. 

One way of engaging in crosscultural dialogue and building relationships across borders is through virtual international exchanges that build on our current programs and make them more accessible. A virtual exchange uses online platforms to connect people from different parts of the world so they can share their traditions, priorities, values, and more. Virtual exchanges can serve as a window to another part of the world through activities such as teaching a digital cooking class, learning a new language, or even designing service projects with a global impact. These online chats have the potential to inspire new connections and more respect between societies. 

Taking that knowledge and using it to better the lives of our fellow human beings is the next step. Let’s see where it takes us.

As we step into the new Year

We’ve moved on to the next stage of imagining impact. As we embark on a new year with loftier goals, I hope it begins with a promise of a brighter future. I’d like to remind us that every contribution counts, and as the new year begins, I’d like to thank you for the work you’ve done in the first half of the Rotary year: impactful projects, mentoring new leaders, increasing our visibility, inducting new members, and improving the member experience. I’d like to encourage us to continue mentoring, supporting, inspiring, and developing incoming leaders in their new roles in order to have a greater impact.

I encourage you to recall the goals and commitments you made to your clubs when the Rotary year began. Let us renew our motivation and commitment for the remainder of the year. Continue working hard, supporting your teams and leaders, and pursuing your objectives.

The month of January is known as a “vocational service” month. This is the month when we focus on our members’ vocations and goals. During this month, I want to encourage clubs to celebrate members’ vocations and to emphasize the importance of member vocations in serving humanity. Let us focus more on our core values of leadership, diversity, integrity, fellowship, and service as we use our vocations. These are becoming increasingly important components of strategic planning because they drive the organization’s leadership’s intent and direction, inspiring us to foster and support the ideal of service in order to develop and maintain high ethical standards in human relations.

The theme of this first-ever joint DISCON at the Las Vegas hotel in Mbarara is celebrating our communities. The team in charge of arranging the conference is doing every effort to make certain that it will be the most successful gathering of its kind and that attendees will find it worthwhile to participate. At this conference, you will hear from notable figures who have demonstrated both leadership and service in their own lives. We are in a position to connect with them and network with other members of their group. Register and make your payment right away.

Happy new year 2023!

Rotaract Clubs of Bwebajja and Lubowa Adopt Bufumira Island

Rtr. Joseph B. Ssengooba

The Rotaract Club of Bwebajja identified Bufumira Island in the Kalangala district of central Uganda in 2021. The island is one of the busiest in Lake Victoria, with fishing and small-scale farming as its primary sources of revenue. The island’s population is approximately 10,000, including both visitors and permanent residents.

The Adopt Bufumira Island Project is a comprehensive community service initiative that intends to redirect the socio-economic turbines of the Bufumira Island Project by enhancing the public health system and boosting early school enrollment.

The Rotaract Clubs of Bwebajja and Lubowa, in collaboration with the Rotary Clubs of Bwebajja Seguku, Nalumunye, and Garuga, gathered funds for the “Adopt Bufumira Island Project” to improve the socioeconomic structure of the inhabitants of the Bufumira Kalangala Islands. This project is a collaborative community initiative whose objective is to radically improve the quality of life for the inhabitants of Bufumira Island by providing services that fit under the seven (7) Rotary focus areas.

The effort was motivated by the island’s complete neglect. The lack of adequate amenities in the aforementioned sectors has subjected the inhabitants to a deplorable standard of living that is characterized by abject poverty, illiteracy, poor water, and poor sanitation, which has spawned a resounding need to provide plausible solutions to these pertinent issues in order to avert any impending catastrophes on Bufumira Island.

This phase of the project addressed the three Rotary focus areas : basic education and literacy, environmental support, and water hygiene and sanitation. To boost basic education and literacy, we presented 150 pupils at Bufumira Primary School with school bags, textbooks, and other academic supplies. We planted fifty fruit trees on the school’s grounds in an effort to protect the environment. We feel that these trees will not only supply food but also shade for the pupils, thereby improving the study environment.

The Rotaract Earth Initiative Greater Masaka Edition

RTR. Joseph B. Ssengooba REI Chair 2022

Ugandan Rotaractors started Rotaract Earth Initiative (REI) in April 2015 to plant 10,000 trees annually. “To solve the needs and concerns of the community and our globe,” Rotaract’s third purpose, this project addresses climate change, food insecurity, and primary healthcare issues.

REI’s 8th edition, “Focus on Impact,” took place in Masaka from October 7–9, 2022. The topic was meant to engage Rotaractors in environmental protection rather than just having fun. 180 Ugandans, Kenyans, Tanzanians, Rwandans, South Sudanese, and Sierra Leoneans attended REI Masaka.

To demonstrate the sustainable green city concept, our major project activity tripled this year. Local government, selected schools, and community environmental organizations collaborated on tree planting. Naluzaale Catholic Parish Land received almost 8,000 indigenous trees, while three secondary schools and one basic school received 1,000 fruit trees.

We held an annual Rotaract Climate Action Symposium to increase our impact. The St. Jude Secondary School Masaka Interact club organized this event on October 7, 2022, with the topic “Safe and Clean Energy Solutions for Sustainable Communities.” The symposium’s climate change speakers inspired the younger attendees. The conference included “forum theater” project execution in addition to presenters and subjects. St. Jude Senior Secondary School actors used music, dance, and theatre.

The team decided to teach primary and secondary school girls how to create and utilize reusable sanitary pads to support Rotary’s sanitation and healthy communities’ goals. We taught Kijjabwemi Secondary School menstruation health. The session drew 300 pupils and 50 Rotaractor trainers. We gave the girls 200 reusable pads and training. Young ladies and schoolgirls learned how to manufacture reusable sanitary towels using fabric and thread. We expect skilled people to aggressively manufacture sanitary towels with this capability.

We also took attendees to Eco Brixs to learn about plastic pollution, its causes, effects, sources, and future. Participants on the site visit heard about new goods, recycling regulations, and the effects of recycling, as well as plastic recycling machines. In the final Q&A sessions, we discussed potential areas of collaboration with recycling businesses and facilities as clubs, individuals, and businesses, current gaps in the fight against plastic pollution and recycling, stakeholders’ roles, and the long-term encouragement for working together and starting small to stop and combat plastic pollution.

The events provided free menstrual hygiene knowledge and skills to young women and girls in school and the community, despite the underlying physical, mental, and emotional obstacles they face. In addition, communities will benefit from the planted trees in a few years, thus they must be nurtured to maturity. Climate change will be mitigated by this.

Because REI is only hosted once a year, the few initiatives held were limited in scope and impact. On this point, the implementing organizations ask all relevant stakeholders to participate in restoring this country’s forest cover and addressing climate change issues while it is still early. This information will help concerned environmental protection organizations and Rotaract Uganda create an eco-friendly Pearl of Africa.

Looking to the Future, Message from DRRE Rtr. Prudence N. Asobola

When we reflect back on the last 12 months, I believe we can all agree that 2022 was a fantastic year to remember. We recognize that there were some tough moments for many people throughout the world; but, now is the time to reflect on the year’s highlights, and at District 9214, we are looking forward to 2023.

I’m delighted to report that 2022 presented exciting possibilities for a larger and stronger District 9214. We were honored to host the RI President for the second year in a row, increased our membership, chartered new clubs with many still in-formation, advanced on activities of the Rotaract helping hands initiative, REI, and many other projects in Uganda and Tanzania are all reasons to be proud. Thank you to the entire team that made sure that we reach out more to our communities through service.

With our great achievements for the year 2022 and a strong foundation that was laid in 2021, we look forward to a great 2023. We are excited for what the incoming district leadership team is preparing for us to achieve in the coming rotary year. This team has been working around the clock to make sure that we receive our district goals by January 2023 and ROTs in March 2023. Keep an eye out for the unveiling of the great leaders that will serve us in the next Rotary year. We hope that it will be a collaborative effort to assess what we have done and where we need to go next.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, as we look forward to impacting communities with you in 2023.

The Exceptional District 9214, Message from District PIME Chair – Rtr. Ambition Baylon Mwiine

The year 2022 will be remembered for the numerous opportunities and challenges it provided. I’d want to thank everyone for coming together. I am extremely proud of how exceptional district 9214 is, and it is due to all of you.

I’d want to offer my heartfelt gratitude to all of our district team members and club leaders. You are all providing an exceptional example of dedication, professionalism, and unity. You are the best assurance that District 9214 will continue growing stronger. Even in the most trying circumstances, your dedication and devotion to our communities and to every Rotaractor has been tremendous. Every position in the district is part of a fantastic team that is accomplishing great things for our towns, communities, and ourselves.

I am overwhelmed by our district’s undeniable strength and character. We, like many other groups, have been very encouraged by the outpouring of generosity we have received this year. Gratitude letters, acts of generosity, and encouraging words are powerful affirmations for the entire District 9214 team. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

As always, I’d want to thank every Rotaractors in Uganda and Tanzania who volunteered their time and worked tirelessly to raise donations for the Rotary Foundation. We are quite proud of the donations.

We continue striving to impact communities while also growing professionally and increasing our visibility. By giving chance to as many young people as possible to become Rotaractors through invitations, our district will dramatically grow bigger and stronger.

On behalf of the PIME team for 2022-2023, we appreciate you for your continuous support of the district and hope you have a wonderful holiday season with your loved ones. I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.

With a great Deal of Love this Christmas, Message from the District Executive secretary – Rtr. Vivien Katusabe

As I address you this season, my mind and heart are filled with a great deal of love, happiness, and enthusiasm. I recall the numerous sacrifices we have all made to keep our beautiful district running. Whether we are administrators, Rotaractors, or district leaders, we have all made significant contributions via our time, commitment, and effort.

Christmas is a reminder of the goodness that enters the world, despite the darkness and uncertainty that threaten it. We have witnessed throughout the year 2022 the so many Rotaractors who have   sacrificed a great deal so that our work as a district may continue. Our district leaders went above and beyond their duties to accomplish impressive things. Our club leaders have done an exceptional job of shepherding their members, always being quick to express care and appreciation. Our partners have also been available to assist us with any small or large requests. In light of the fact that it is very difficult to lose hope in the presence of excellent people, I would like to thank everyone for a job well done.

This Christmas, I want for everyone to reignite and magnify their inner kindness. Remind them, out of gratitude, that they have also been positive influences in your lives. Find solace in the knowledge that you have, in your own small way, given a great deal of good to a world devoid of it.

This holiday season, as we celebrate community and oneness in the pursuit of doing good, may we all find delight in one another’s company and inspire one another to do good at all costs. I wish everyone a Christmas filled with goodness, joy, and love. God be with us.