We’ve moved on to the next stage of imagining impact. As we embark on a new year with loftier goals, I hope it begins with a promise of a brighter future. I’d like to remind us that every contribution counts, and as the new year begins, I’d like to thank you for the work you’ve done in the first half of the Rotary year: impactful projects, mentoring new leaders, increasing our visibility, inducting new members, and improving the member experience. I’d like to encourage us to continue mentoring, supporting, inspiring, and developing incoming leaders in their new roles in order to have a greater impact.
I encourage you to recall the goals and commitments you made to your clubs when the Rotary year began. Let us renew our motivation and commitment for the remainder of the year. Continue working hard, supporting your teams and leaders, and pursuing your objectives.
The month of January is known as a “vocational service” month. This is the month when we focus on our members’ vocations and goals. During this month, I want to encourage clubs to celebrate members’ vocations and to emphasize the importance of member vocations in serving humanity. Let us focus more on our core values of leadership, diversity, integrity, fellowship, and service as we use our vocations. These are becoming increasingly important components of strategic planning because they drive the organization’s leadership’s intent and direction, inspiring us to foster and support the ideal of service in order to develop and maintain high ethical standards in human relations.
The theme of this first-ever joint DISCON at the Las Vegas hotel in Mbarara is celebrating our communities. The team in charge of arranging the conference is doing every effort to make certain that it will be the most successful gathering of its kind and that attendees will find it worthwhile to participate. At this conference, you will hear from notable figures who have demonstrated both leadership and service in their own lives. We are in a position to connect with them and network with other members of their group. Register and make your payment right away.
Happy new year 2023!